Episode 143: Special Guest: Todd Nettleton - When Faith is Forbidden

How do Christians stand firm while suffering for their faith in hostile and restricted nations? Why does it matter that we hear their stories and share them with our kids? Join us as we talk with Todd Nettleton, host of The Voice of the Martyrs Radio, about the blessing of learning about our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ and his new book, "When Faith is Forbidden: 40 Days on the Frontlines with Persecuted Christians."

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Episode 51: The Letters - But You Are Rich

In the letter to Smyrna, we get a picture of a church facing afflictions, poverty, slander, and persecution. Yet, in Jesus, they are rich and can stand firm even to the point of death. This letter offers Christians great encouragement today as we face days of increased persecution in the American Church.

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