Stand Articles
“If I profess, with the loudest voice and the clearest exposition, every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christianity. Where the battle rages the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battle-field besides is mere flight and disgrace to him if he flinches at that one point.” - Martin Luther
When we understand the truth of God's Word, we can confidently equip the next generation to lovingly stand on its authority in a constantly changing culture. We need to prepare our kids to share the hope they have in Jesus, and the love Jesus has for all people.
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The Bible doesn’t mention the word “bullying” specifically, but it is full of clear verses that relate to this topic. Let’s look at what the Bible teaches about bullying, how to respond to being bullied, and what Christians should do when others are being bullied.
We, as followers of Christ, need to fight this dangerous attack on our soul and be proactive in talking, preparing, and helping our youth overcome it as well. Porn distorts what is good and normal. It turns others into mere objects to be used for our pleasure. It ruins relationships, destroys true intimacy, and has the power to steal your soul. This sin is a like a giant weed growing in our garden. While it may start small, almost innocently, it soon becomes so large and intrusive that it begins to drive out the good plants that should be growing there. With the help of God and his Word, we need to take steps to do something about it.
Transgenderism is a quickly escalating topic in America. It was huge news when Bruce Jenner became Caitlyn. Then, schools started to be challenged as transgender students filed complaints and lawsuits about using the locker room and bathroom of their choosing. Soon state governments began passing "bathroom" laws, which many people view as common sense, while others see them as hateful and discriminatory. Now large corporations are joining in and fighting back against states that pass these laws and putting out press releases that transgender people are free to use the bathroom of their choosing at their stores.
Terrorism has drastically affected Americans in the 21st century. It seems there are constant news stories of one gruesome attack after another, which can leave us all feeling overwhelmed and scared. With attacks in hotels, malls, restaurants, concerts and even churches around the world, one can be left feeling that no place is safe from terrorism. So as Christians, how do we cope with terrorism? How do we encourage our young people who may be asking us tough questions? How do we walk out our faith in Jesus in an increasingly dark and dangerous world? Let's look to God and his Word for our answers.
“Don’t have sex before you are married. Save your virginity for your spouse on your wedding night.”
For most of us who grew up in Christian homes, we probably had this command ingrained into our brains. Why? Because sexual intimacy is one of the most special and exclusive gifts God has given to a husband and wife and it should be guarded and saved for marriage.
However, if we emphasize that the main goal of a young Christian is to merely maintain your virginity until marriage, then we are missing the boat - BIG TIME. Christians shouldn’t be solely pursuing virginity, but rather aiming for a life of purity.
As Christians, it is important that we go to God and his Word for answers about depression. We may have many questions and struggles, but God's Word is full of powerful truths that can help us battle life's challenges.