Episode 198: Entrusted With Time
/Is time ours or does it belong to God? How we answer this question impacts how we choose to use it.
Read MoreIs time ours or does it belong to God? How we answer this question impacts how we choose to use it.
Read MorePractice is a word we can all relate to. Yet what happens when we make a practice of sinning?
Read MoreFriendship with the world means enmity towards God? Does that sound a bit harsh? It might actually make a lot more sense than we'd think.
Read MoreThe twelve apostles didn't have to come up with a catchy story or a winning game plan to spread the gospel. All Jesus commanded them to do was to be his witnesses of what they had seen and heard. Now it's our turn.
Read MoreCrashing waves. Lighting strikes all around. Wind that threatens to capsize the boat. God, rescue me!
Read MoreThis question is a common one. But is the answer actually illusive? It's important to talk about it because the implications are life changing.
Read MoreWhat we believe is obvious because our lives show it. Let's look beyond the things we say and get to the heart of the matter. What do we really believe?
Read MoreGod is deadly serious about some things. It's important that we understand them.
Read MoreHow are you going to talk to your kids about all the tough things happening in the world? We can't just avoid them. So, let us dive in.
Read MoreAmerica isn't invincible. These days it's easy to see the dangers facing our nation, but do we see the imminent danger from within?
Read MoreChosen Gen is a donor-supported 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Thank you for partnering with us!
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, his own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. - 1 Peter 2:9
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